Friday, July 17, 2009


The feedback on Matt Fraction's run on Uncanny X-men is a lot like Margot Kidder: schizophrenic and hugely polarized. As for me, I'm on the "I Fucking Love It" side of the equation.

I'm hard-pressed to go on a tirade about enduring the franchise that had Claremont pee circles around the X-men, but it's taxing and I can only use so many swear words. But the minute i read Fraction's first issue in the run, it was like he took a knife to the turkey and gave me the juiciest part of the bird; the slice I've been waiting for all my life.

Case in point: Uncanny X-men 512. Bearing in mind that it's practically a filler issue, what with the looming Dark Avengers/X-men Crossover, it's one of the best issues I've read in a long time.

Proof, you say? How about I give you three:

1.An H.G. Wells Sentinel

2. Or a deconstructed laser cannon from a turn-of-the-century car.

3. Dr. Nemesis going back in time to deliver his infant self.

If you don't find that awesome, then you're doo-doo head who hates fun.

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